Pneumatic pavement breaker is mainly used for crushing operations of reinforced concrete buildings, cement, frozen soil, ice, soft ore, soft rock, road construction. For example, pneumatic pavement
breaker is suitable for the removal of broken and solid concrete floors and walls in urban infrastructure construction projects, and for cutting and crushing pavements in highway and pipeline construction for road repair.
Pneumatic pavement breakeris also suitable for occasions where impact movement is required in the quarrying, coal mining and machinery industries.
Pneumatic Pavement Breaker use range:
1, coal mining in coal mines, planer foot pits, open ditch;
2.Mining soft rocks;
3.Broken concrete, frozen soil and ice breaking in construction and installation projects;
4. Where impact motion is required in the machinery industry, such as the loading and unloading of tractor and tank track pins.
Pneumatic Pavement Breaker inspection and treatment of picks
1. The tip of the pick should be sharp, the tail of the drill should be flat and free of gaps, and perpendicular to the central axis of the drill;
2. The socket of the brazing tail and the wind pick are correctly and firmly connected;
3.Get enough drills and spare drills;
4. When the pick tip is stuck, you can shake the pickaxe back and forth or deal with the coal and rock around the picktip, and it will be pulled out after loosening;
5. The sharpened pickaxe should be lost in time.